Trial access to Proquest One Business platform until 6.1.2024

Trial access to Proquest One Business (until 6.1.2024)

We inform you that trial access to platform ProQuest One Business has now been activated.
Designed to assist researchers in the business world, ProQuest One Business is an on-line library that offers access to milions of full text items from 3.641 scientific and popular journals (1.669 of which are peer-reviewed), newspapers, dissertations, books, videos, company and industry overviews. Among many popular journal titles are:
  • The Economist (UK), 1992 - present
  • Wall Street Journal, 1984 - present
  • Barron's (NY), 1988 - present
  • Financial Times, 1996 - present (1 month delay)
  • Foreign Affairs, 1987 - present
  • Business Insider (US), 2018 - present
On campus access: HERE. For off campus access VPN is necessary. Please send your comments to
Trial access will remain activated until 6 January 2024.
Learn more about Proquest One Business here.